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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • i) Eliminate non-standard abbreviation in the titles.
  • ii) Supply full name of author(s) including institutions.
  • iii) Abstract: (maximum) 250 words. Keyword: (minimum) 5 key words. Article: (maximum) 2000-3000 words (excluding references, tables/illustrations).
  • iv) The number of tables/illustrations should not exceed more than 5. References: (minimum) 18, recent last five years citation.
  • v) Cite tables/figures in the text in numerical order.
  • vi) Supply references in Vancouver style, accurately cited in the text in numerical order.
  • viii) Submit the paper via emails given below; and
  • ix) All authors must sign Authorship Contribution form, confirming he or she has made the contributions listed in the form.
  • x) Author agreement is signed by all the authors (principal author and co-authors).


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